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Amrit Manghera
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Page 56

Betrayal :--

Only after 1920 ,did the movement returns within bounds , after "Black Friday" when Triple alliance of miner’s ,railwatmen’s and transport leaders betrayed the general strike.


: 0 :

For Reform a Threat of Revolution is necessary : ----

" The British bourgeoisie reckoned that by such means (reform) a revolution could be avoided. It follows, therefore, that even for the introduction of reforms , the principle of gradualness alone is insufficient, and that an actual threat of revolution is necessary.


: 0 :

Social Solidarity :

It would seem that once we stand for the annihilation of a privileged class which has no desire to pass from the scene, we have there in the the basic contents of class struggle. But no, Macdonald desires to "evoke" the consciousness of social solidarity . With whom? The solidarity of working class is the expression of its internal welding in the struggle with the bourgeoisie.

The social solidarity which Macdonald preaches is the solidarity of the exploited with the exploiters in other words, the maintenance of exploitation.

Revolution a Calamity :-----

" The revolution in Russia ", says Macdonald, " taught us a great lesson. It showed that revolutions is a ruin and a calamity and nothing more."

31 Oct 2009

Amrit Manghera
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Page 57

Revolution leads only to calamity ! But the British Democracy led to the imperialist war, ............ With the ruin of which the calamities of revolution cannot ,of course , be compared in the very least. But in addition to this , wht deaf ears and shameless face are necessary in order ,in the face of a revolution which overthrew Tzarism, nobility and bougeoisie, shook the church , awakened to a new life a nation of 130 million, a whole family of nations , to decare that revolution is a calamity and nothing more.

p 64

: 0 :

Peaceful ? : ----

When and where did the ruling class ever yield power and property on the order of a peaceful vote -- and especially such a class as the British bourgeoisie which has behind it centuries of world rapacity ?

p 66

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Aim of socialism :--- Peace

It is absolutely unchallenged that the aim of socialism is to eliminate force, first of all in its most crude and bloody forms , and afterwards in other more concealed forms.


Where is Britain Going ?


Aim of the World Revolution :-----

1. To ver through capitalism

2. To control the nature for the service of humanity.

This is how Bukharin defined it.

31 Oct 2009

Amrit Manghera
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Page 58

Man and machinary

The United States Bureau of Labour tells:

12 lbs package of pins can be made by a man working with a machine in 1 hr 34 minutes.

The same would take 140 hours and 55 minutes , if man works with tools only, but without machine.

Ratio 1.34 : 140.55 times

: 0 :

100 pairs of shoes by machine work takes 234 hr 25 minutes

By hand it will take 1,831 hrs 40 minutes

Labour cost on machine is $ 69.55

"" "" by hand is $ 457.92

: 0 :

500 yards of gingham checks ae made by machine labour in 73 hours

By hand labour , it takes 5,844 hours

: 0 :

100 lbs of sewing cotton can be made by machine labour in 39 hours

By hand it takes 2,895 hours


Re: Agriculture

A good man with scythe can reap 1 acre a day ( 12 hours)

A machine does the same work in 20 minutes.

Six men with flials can thresh 60 liters of wheat in half an hour

One machine thresher can do 12 times as much .

" The increased effectiveness of man - labour aided by the use of machinery ....... varies from 150 % in the case of rye to 2,244 % in the case of Barley.........

31 Oct 2009

Amrit Manghera
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Page 59

The wealth of U.S.A and its Population : 1850 - 1912

per capita T. Population

In 1850 total wealth was $ 7,135,780,000 $ 308 = 23,191,876

1860 Total wealth was $ 16,159,616,000 $ 514 = 31,443,321

1870 " $ 30,068,518,000 $ 780 = 38,558,371

1880 " $ 43,642,000,000 $ 870 = 50,155,783

1890 $ 65,037,091,000 $ 1,036 = 62,947,714

1900 $ 88,517,307,000 $ 1,165 = 75,994,575

1904 $ 107,104,202,000 $ 1,318 = 82,416,551

1912 $ 187,139,071,000 $ 1,965 = 95,410,503

Due to the use of machinary

: 0 :

The machine is social in nature as the tool was individual

: 0 :

" Give us worst cotton , but give us better men."

Says Emerson

" Deliver me , those rickety perishing souls of infants , and let the cotton trade take its chance."

P 81

: 0 :

The man cannot be sacrificed to machine .The machine must serve mankind. Yet the danger to the human race lurks , menancing in the Industrial Regime.

Poverty and Riches P 81

Scott Nearing

31 Oct 2009

Amrit Manghera
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Page 60

Man and Machinary :

C. Hanford Henderson in his " Pay Day" writes :

" This institution of industry the most primitive of all institution , organised and developed in order to free mankind from tyranny of Things , has become it self the greater tyrant degrading a multitude into the conditions of slaves - slaves doomed to produce , through long and weary hours , a senseless glut of things and then forced to suffer for the lack of the very things they have produced. "

Pov. Riches P 87

: 0 :

Man is not Machinary :---

The combination of steel and fire ,which man has produced and called a machine , which man has produced and called machine , must be ever the servant, never the master of man. Neither the machine nor the machine owner may rule the human race.

P 88

: 0 :

Imperialism : ---

Imperiaism is capitalism in that stage of developent in which monopolies and financial capital have attained a preponderating influence, the export of capital has acquired great importance the international trusts have begun the partition of world , and the biggest capitalist countries have completed the division of the entire terrestrial globe among themselves. "

02 Nov 2009

Amrit Manghera
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Page 61

Dictatorship : ----

Dictatorship is an authority relying directly upon force , and not bound by any laws.

The revolutionary dictatorship of the proltariat is an authority managed by the proletariate by means of force over and against the bourgeoisie , and not bound by any laws.

Prol. Rev p18 Lenin

: 0 :

Revolutionary Dictatorship :---

Revolution is an act in which one section of the population imposes its will upon the other by rifles, bayonets , guns and other such exceedingly authoritarian means. And the party which has won is necessarily compelled to maintain its rule by means of that fear which in arms inspire in the reactionaries. If the Commune of Paris had not relied upon the armed people as against bourgeoisie , would it have maintained it self more than twenty- four hours? Are we not, in contrary, justified in reproaching the commune for having employed this authority too little ?"


: 0 :

Bourgeoisie Democracy : ---

Bourgeoisie Democracy while constituting a great historical advance in comparison with feudalism nevertheless remains and cannot but remain , a very limited , a very hypocritical institution , a paradise for the rich and a trap and a delusion for the exploited and for the poor.

Lenin P 28

02 Nov 2009

Amrit Manghera
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Page 62

Exploitation of labour and state :---

Not only the ancient and feudal, but also the representative state of today is an instrument of exploitation of wage labour by capital."


: 0 :

Dictatorship : ------

"Since the state is only a temporary institution which is to be made use in revolution in order forcibly to suppress the opponents. It is perfectly absurd to talk about a free popular state ; so long as the proletariat still needs it not in the interest of freedom ; but in order to suppress its opponents , and when it becomes possible to speak of freedom the state , as such ,ceases to exist. "

Engels in his letter to Babels March 28th 1875

: 0 :

The impatient Idealist :-----

The impatient idealist --- and without some impatience a man hardly prove effective --- is almost sure to be led into hatered by the opposition, and disappointments which he encounters in his endeavaour to bring happiness to the world.

Bertrand Russell

02 Nov 2009

Amrit Manghera
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Page 63

Leader :--

" No time need have gone to ruin" writes Carlyle , " Could it have found a man great enough , a man wise and good enough ; wisdom to dicern truely what the time wanted valour to lead it on the right road thither; these are the salvation of any time."

: 0 :

Arbitrariness :--

Kautsky had written a booklet with the title "Proletariate Dictatorship" and had deplored the act of Bolsheviks in depriving the burgeoisie people from right to vote. Lenin writes in his "Proletarian Revolution " : -- P 77

Arbitariness ! Only tink what a depth of meanest subserviency to bourgeoisie and of the most idiotic pedantry is contained in such a reproach , when thoroughly bourgeios and for the most part even reactionaries jurists of capitalist countries have in the course of , we may almost say , centuries , been drawing up rules and regulations and writing up hundreds of volumes of various codes and laws , and of interpretations of them to oppress the workers , to bind hand and foot (of) the poor men , and to place a hundred and one hindrances and ob

stacles in the way of the simple and toiling masses of people --- when this is done , the bourgeois Liberals and Mr. Kautsky can see no "arbitrariness"! It is all Law and Order ! It has all been thought out and written down, how the poor man is to be kept dwn and squeezed. There are thousands and thousands of bourgeois lawyers and officials able to interpret the laws that the workers and average peasent can never break through their barbed wire entanglements. This of course ,is not a dictatorship of the filthy or profit-seeking exploiters who are drinking the blood of te people. Oh it is nothing of the kind! It is ‘pure democracy’ which is becoming purer

02 Nov 2009

gursaab singh
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mai ta sirf eho keh sakda han,

"mera rang de basanti chola,, mera rang de basanti chola"

11 Nov 2009

KVS GILL Desi jatt
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bohat vadiya bai g
11 Nov 2009

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