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Amrit Manghera
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Page 16

King Salary ;

It is inhuman to talk of a million sterling a year paid out of the public taxes of any country , for the support of one individual , whilst thousands who are forced to cntribute there to, are pining with want and struggling with misery. Government does not consist in contrast between prisons and palaces ,between poverty and pump; it is not instituted to rob the needy of his mite and increase the worthlessness of the wretched.

p 204

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"Give me liberty or death"

" It is invain ,sir, to extenuate the matter , Gentleman , may cry peace, peace ___ but there is no peace. The war is actually begun.the next gate that sweeps from the North to our ears the clash of resounding arms.Our bretherns are already in the field. Why stand we here idle? What is that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. Forbid it Almighty God! I know not what course other may take, as for me, give me liberty or death."

Patrick Henery

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Rights of Labour :--- "Who ever produces anything by weary labour , does not need a revelation from heaven to teach him that he have rights to the thing produced."

Robert G Ingersoll

06 Oct 2009

Amrit Manghera
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Page 17

" We consider it horrible that people should have their heads cut off, but we have not been taught to see the hour of life- long death which is inflicted upon a whole population by poverty and tyranny." Mark Twain

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Anarchists " .............. The Anarchist and the apostles of insurrection are also represented ; and if some of the things seem to the readers the mere unchaining of the furies , I would say ,let him not blame the faithful anthologist , let him not blame even the writer ....... Let him blame himself , who has acquiesced in the existing conditions which have driven his fellowmen to extreme of madness and despair"

Upton Sinclair --- Preface 19 Cry for Justice

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The Old Labouror

" ............ He (the old labourer out of employment ) was struggling against age , against nature , against cirumstances ; the entire weight of society ,law and order pressed upon him to force him to love his self respect and liberty .......... He knocked at the door of the farms and found good in man only .............. not in law and order , but in individual man alone ." Richard Jefferies . 30

06 Oct 2009

Amrit Manghera
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Page 18

Poor Labourers

"......... And we , the men who braved this task , were out cast of the world . A blind fate , a vast merciless mechanism , cut and shaped the fabric of our existance .We were men despised when we were most useful, rejected when we were not needed, and forgotten when our troubles weighed upon us heavily. We were the men sent out to fight the spirit of the wastes , rob it for all its primeval horrors, and batter down the barriers of its world - old defences. Where we were working a new town would spring up some day ; it was already springing up , and then ,if one of us walked there ‘ a man with no fixed address , " he would be taken up and tried as a loiterer and vagrant ."

From Children of the Dead End

By Patrick Macgill c.j 48

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Morality :-

" Morality and religion are but words to him who fishes in gutters for the means of sustaining life , and crouches behind barrels in the street for shelter from the cutting blasts of winter night " Horace Greeley -128

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Hunger " It is desirable for a ruler that no man should suffer from cold and hunger under his rule . Man cannot maintain his standarad of morals when he has no ordinary means of living." Kenko Hoshi Budhist monk of Japan 14th Century P 135

06 Oct 2009

Amrit Manghera
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Page 19


Men! whose boast it is that ye

Come of fathers brave and free,

If there breathe on earth a slave,

Are you truely free and brave?

If ye do not feel the chain

When it works a brother’s pain

Are ye not base slaves indeed

Slaves unworthy to be freed?

Is true Freedom but to break

Fetters for our own dear sake,

And , with leathern hearts , forget

That we owe mankind a debt?

No! true Freedom is to share

All the chains our brothers wear ,

And, with heart and hand , to be

Earnest to make others free!

They are slaves who fear to speak

For the fallen and the weak;

They are slaves who will not choose

Hatered, scoffing and abuse,

Rather than in silence shrink

From the truth they needs must think:

They are slaves who dare not be

In the right with two or threee

James Russell Lowell (p.189)

06 Oct 2009

Amrinder Singh
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nice post amrit veer...


you are doing a great job..!!


Good Job

06 Oct 2009

Amrit Manghera
Posts: 662
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mein ta veer koshish kar reha k bahgat singh bare sab jada to jada janan..

07 Oct 2009

Amrit Manghera
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Page 20

Full many a gem of purest ray serene,

The dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear;

Full many a flower is harm to blush unseen

And waste it sweetness on the desert air.

{ far from the Madding Crowd by Thomas Gray Eglish poet and scholar 1716 - 1771 ed. reference not in note book }

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Invention : ----

Hitherto it is questionable if all the mechanical inventions yet made have lightened day’s toil of any human being.

J S Mill page 199

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Alms : -

" There is no one on earth more disgusting and repulsive than who gives alms .Even as there is no one so miserable as he who accepts them."

Maxim Gorky P 204

Liberty ;- Those corpses of youngmen

Those martyrs that hang from the gibbets

Those hearts pierced by the grey lead,

Cold and motionless as they seem , line close

Where with unslaughtered vitality.

They live in other youngmen , O kings !

They live in books again ready to defy you!

They were purified by death -

they were taught and exalted!

07 Oct 2009

Amrit Manghera
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Page 21 Not a grave of the murdered for freedom ,

but grows seed for freedom , in its turn to beer seed,

Which the wind carry afar and re-sow , and the

rains and the snows nourish .

Not a disembodied spirit can the weapons of tyrants let loose,

But it stalks invincibily over the earth , whispring, counselling cautioning.

P 268 "Walt Whitman"

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Free Thought

" If there is any thing that cannot bear free thought let it crack."

Wendell Phillips 271

State :-----

" Away with the state ! I will take part in that revolution.Undermine the whole conception of a state ,declare free choice and spritual kinship to be only all important condition of any union ,and you will have the commencement of a liberty that is worth something. "

Hunrich Adbsen 273

Oppressor’s :--------

" Surely oppresive maketh a wise man mad." P 278

07 Oct 2009

Amrit Manghera
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Page 22

Martyrs :-------

" The man who flings his whole life into attempt , at the cost of his own life, to protest against the wrongs of his fellowmen , is a saint compared to the active and passive upholders of cruelty and injustice , even if his protest destroy other lives beside his own.Let him who is without sin in society cast the first stone at such a one . " P 281

Lower Class :-----

While there is a lower class I am in it,

While there is a criminal element I am in it,

While there is a soul in jail I am not free.

Engene B Dabs 144

One against all :- [ Charles Fourier 1772-1837]

The present social order is a ridiculous mechanism ,in which portions of the whole are in conflict and acting against the whole. We see each class in society desires, from interest , the misfortune of the other class , placing in every way individual interest in opposition to public good. The lawyer wishes litigations and suits , particularily among the rich; the physician desires sickness .(The latter would be ruined if every body died without disease, as would the former if all quarrells were settled by arbitration.) The soldier wants war ,which will carry off half his comrades and secure him promotion; the undertaker wants burials;monoplists and forestallers want femine ,to double or treble the price of grain; the architect , the carpenter, the mason , want conflagration, that will burn down a hundred houses to give activity to their branches of business.

p 202

07 Oct 2009

Amrit Manghera
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Page 23

New Gospel

" Society can overlook murder , adultry or swindling; it never forgives the preaching of a new gospel.

p327 Fredric Harrison

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Tree of Liberty

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.

Thomas Jefferson 332

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Chicago Martyrs :------

Say them ,that the man erred grievously, if his eror had been ten times as great , it ought to have been wiped from human recollection by his sacrifice.......

Granted freely that their idea of best man of making a protest was utterly wrong and impossible , granted that they want not the best way to work . But what was it that drove them into attack against the social order as they found it? They and thousands of others that stood with them were not bad men nor depressed nor blood thirsty, nor hard hearted , nor criminals nor selfish , nor crazy. Then what was it that worked a complaint so bitter and deep seated...........

No one ever contemplated the simple fact that men do not bend themselves together to make a protest without the belief that they have something to protest about and that in any organised state of society a widespread protest is something far garve enquiry.

Charles Edward Russell 333

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07 Oct 2009

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